Conveniently located just south of LAX and 20 miles west of downtown Los Angeles, Yollin & Associates is headquartered in Manhattan Beach California. We also have offices in San Diego, Grand Rapids Michigan, San Antonio Texas and Raleigh North Carolina.
We currently operate several web properties in the real estate space. Our flagship property is provides real estate agents throughout the United States and Canada leading edge advertising and marketing tools for their properties.
Real Neighborhoods. provides both Realtors® and consumers with real time property sales and listing information as well as information on everything from local businesses to civic events.
View This Home is our National Real Estate Video Network. VTH provides both Realtors® and consumers with the ability to upload full motion live action video tours of their properties. A national footprint assures maximum exposure.
Launching mid Q1 2013 is vBook Digital Media. Already in successful beta we are creating digital version of everything from real estate brochures to 100 page magazines.
Our interests also lie well outside of the Internet. Yollin Company is the website for Peter Yollin's professional speaking business. A Keynote and Motivational speaker for many blue chip companies, Peter is regarded as an industry leader with innovative ideas that work.
Total Package Seminars is a high powered high energy series of seminars for the professional Real Estate agent. Conducted by either Peter Yollin or one of our trained facilitators, it is a rocket ride to a more successful real estate practice.
Outside of our own properties, we operate a very active Venture Capital division with an eye for investment or acquisitions of Internet based start up or developmental stage companies. Please contact us for interest prior to submitting any business plans.
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